Login Screen
Settings Screen
import net.rim.device.api.io.URI; import net.rim.device.api.io.messaging.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.ButtonField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.RichTextField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen; import net.rim.device.api.system.Application; import java.io.*; public class NetworkSample extends UiApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { NetworkSample app = new NetworkSample(); app.enterEventDispatcher(); } public NetworkSample() { pushScreen(new NonBlockingSenderSample()); } } class NonBlockingSenderSample extends MainScreen implements FieldChangeListener { ButtonField _btnNonBlock = new ButtonField(Field.FIELD_HCENTER); private static UiApplication _app = UiApplication.getUiApplication(); public NonBlockingSenderSample() { _btnNonBlock.setChangeListener(this); _btnNonBlock.setLabel("Fetch page"); add(_btnNonBlock); } public void fieldChanged(Field button, int unused) { if(button == _btnNonBlock) { NonBlockingSenderDestination destination = null; try { //URI uri = URI.create("http://www.blackberry.com"); URI uri = URI.create("https://auth.services.mozilla.com/user/1.0/nprm3itjzzndm2bh2tmtmzbanfkw4mwh/node/weave"); NBSDMsgListener responseListener = new NBSDMsgListener(); destination = (NonBlockingSenderDestination) DestinationFactory.getSenderDestination ("CommAPISample", uri); if (destination == null) { destination = DestinationFactory.createNonBlockingSenderDestination (new Context("CommAPISample"), uri, responseListener); } // Send message to retrieve the response destination.send(); } catch(Exception e) { // process the error } } } } class NBSDMsgListener implements MessageListener { public void onMessage(Destination dest, Message msg) { String payload = null; if (msg instanceof ByteMessage) { ByteMessage reply = (ByteMessage) msg; payload = (String) reply.getStringPayload(); } else if(msg instanceof StreamMessage) { StreamMessage reply = (StreamMessage) msg; InputStream is = reply.getStreamPayload(); byte[] data = null; try { data = net.rim.device.api.io.IOUtilities.streamToBytes(is); } catch (IOException e) { } if(data != null) { payload = new String(data); } } if(payload!=null) { synchronized(Application.getEventLock()) { UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen (new HTTPOutputScreen(payload)); } } } public void onMessageCancelled(Destination arg0, int arg1) { // process message cancelled notification } public void onMessageFailed(Destination arg0, MessageFailureException arg1) { // process message failed notification } } class HTTPOutputScreen extends MainScreen { RichTextField _rtfOutput = new RichTextField(); public HTTPOutputScreen(String message) { _rtfOutput.setText("Retrieving data. Please wait..."); add(_rtfOutput); showContents(message); } // After the data has been retrieved, display it public void showContents(final String result) { UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { _rtfOutput.setText(result); } }); } }
import net.rim.device.api.io.transport.*; import net.rim.device.api.io.transport.options.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.RichTextField; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.MainScreen; import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication; import net.rim.device.api.util.Arrays; import java.io.*; import javax.microedition.io.*; public class NetworkSample extends UiApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { NetworkSample app = new NetworkSample(); app.enterEventDispatcher(); } public NetworkSample() { new HTTPConnectionSetup(); } } class HTTPConnectionSetup { ConnectionFactory _factory = new ConnectionFactory(); public HTTPConnectionSetup() {
Comment out: creating network transport list
// Create preference ordered list of transports
int[] _intTransports =
// Remove any transports that are not (currently) available
for(int i = 0; i < _intTransports.length ; i++)
int transport = _intTransports[i];
|| !TransportInfo.hasSufficientCoverage(transport))
Arrays.removeAt(_intTransports, i);
// Set options for TCP Cellular transport
TcpCellularOptions tcpOptions = new TcpCellularOptions();
tcpOptions.setApn("My APN");
// Set ConnectionFactory options
if(_intTransports.length > 0)
// Open a connection on a new thread
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
//ConnectionDescriptor cd = _factory.getConnection("http://www.blackberry.com");
ConnectionDescriptor cd = _factory.getConnection("https://auth.services.mozilla.com/user/1.0/nprm3itjzzndm2bh2tmtmzbanfkw4mwh/node/weave");
// If connection was successful, fetch and show the content from
// the web server
if(cd != null)
Connection c = cd.getConnection();
private void displayContent(final Connection conn)
// When the connection thread completes, show the data from the web server
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new HTTPOutputScreen(conn));
class HTTPOutputScreen extends MainScreen
RichTextField _rtfOutput = new RichTextField();
public HTTPOutputScreen(Connection conn)
// Create a container for the data, and put it on the screen
_rtfOutput.setText("Retrieving data. Please wait...");
// Retrieve the data from the web server, using the connection, on a
// separate thread
ContentReaderThread t = new ContentReaderThread(conn);
// After the data has been retrieved, display it
public void showContents(final String result)
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
private final class ContentReaderThread extends Thread
private Connection _connection;
ContentReaderThread(Connection conn)
_connection = conn;
public void run()
String result = "";
OutputStream os = null;
InputStream is = null;
// Send HTTP GET to the server
OutputConnection outputConn = (OutputConnection) _connection;
os = outputConn.openOutputStream();
String getCommand = "GET " + "/" + " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
// Get InputConnection and read the server's response
InputConnection inputConn = (InputConnection) _connection;
is = inputConn.openInputStream();
byte[] data = net.rim.device.api.io.IOUtilities.streamToBytes(is);
result = new String(data);
// is.close();
catch(Exception e)
result = "ERROR fetching content: " + e.toString();
// Close OutputStream
if(os != null)
catch(IOException e)
// Close InputStream
if(is != null)
catch(IOException e)
// Close Connection
catch(IOException ioe)
// Show the response received from the web server, or an error message
Static Utility Functions
public static void SaveData?(long _key, Object _data) throws Exception {
Create a persistent data store
PersistentObject? _store;
_store = PersistentStore?.getPersistentObject(_key);
Store Persistent data
public static Object LoadData?(long _key) throws Exception {
Create a persistent data store
PersistentObject? _store;
_store = PersistentStore?.getPersistentObject(_key);
Retrieve persistent data
Object _data;
synchronized(_store) {
_data = (Object)_store.getContents();
return _data;
public String _data;}
public String _payload;
public String _collection;
public String _id;
public String _modified;
public int _ttl;
public int _sortIndex;
public AESKey _key;
public InitializationVector? _iv;
Private inner classes
final private class SaveOB implements FieldChangeListener? {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
try {
Record _data = new Record();
_data._data = "data 1";
_data._id = "id 1";
long _key = 0x4ee5665b495a4912L;
BerrySyncPersistentStore?.SaveData?(_key, _data);
}}_storeArea.setText("Save Object" + " | " + _data._data + " | " + _data._id);}
catch(Exception e) {
final private class LoadOB implements FieldChangeListener? {}
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
try {}
long _key = 0x4ee5665b495a4912L;}
Record _data = (Record)BerrySyncPersistentStore?.LoadData?(_key);
if (_data == null) {
_storeArea.setText("Load Object" + _data);}else{
_storeArea.setText("Load Object" + " | " + _data._data + " | " + _data._id);}
catch(Exception e) {